Well, all you’ve done here is show yourself to be a clueless, privileged white person.

The examples of blatant racist behavior toward successful black people come in daily. From the woman who called the police on a black bird watcher in Central Park, to Derek Bell being harassed in a routine traffic stop, to the common problems of “banking while black” recently experienced by Ryan Coogler, these are only the most high profile of countless examples of how blacks in America — whether wealth, poor or middle class — continue to be treated unfairly due to the color of their skin.

Your claim that this is an “outdated viewpoint” is either willfully blind or intentionally false. In either case, it is clueless.

There is a deep-seated, visceral racism problem in the USA. Your rant is a perfect example. Denying there is a problem with racism is racist, bud. I say that as a privileged, wealthy, white, cis male.

One does not have to deny racism exists in order to also believe that the wealthy oppress the poor. The two problems can co-exist. So why do you claim otherwise?

The wealthy have oppressed the poor since time immemorial. That’s pretty much a fundamental building block of all human communities. There are leaders and followers, privileged and oppressed, wealthy and poor. There are also conflicts between blacks and whites, Asians and blacks, Muslims and Christians, and in the words of Tom Leherer … “and everybody hates the Jews.” https://youtu.be/aIlJ8ZCs4jY

Your essay says nothing new about society but it reveals a lot about you.

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