A long time ago, I used to use social media mostly for fun rather than for spreading political propaganda. Recently, I took a walk down memory lane and checked out my Facebook page to remember those fun times. I came across an old spoof commercial for “Manpons.” The overarching idea behind this hilarious commercial was that if men needed tampons instead of women, the commercials would be much more masculine and action-oriented. Very masculine bros in locker rooms handed each other “Manpons,” and dynamic technical animations of “coiled cross-sections with reinforced fiber weave” dominated the commercial. Oddly enough, when I clicked on the linked video, I received an error message telling me that it had been taken down. It had vanished, right down the memory hole! I was confused at first, but when I reflected on this, it made perfect sense why the commercial would have been deleted. The central premise of the joke was how the commercial focused on the differences between men and women, and in today’s modern society where transgender issues have moved to the forefront it is absolutely taboo to point out that men don’t actually have periods. So over the course of ten years, the satirical commercial had effectively become “hate speech” and Youtube had removed it from their site.
As I continued browsing, I saw somebody on Facebook “educating” people about Voltaire quotes. There is a famous Voltaire quote “If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.” This quote suggests that the people or groups who are immune to criticism are the ones who hold power over others. The quote is often used very effectively to criticize censorship and authoritarianism. I remember taking Western Cultural Tradition in college and reading that quote. Back then the internet was young, so online misinformation was not as widespread as it is today because our tech oligarchs had not yet had an opportunity to seize control over our information ecosystem. Unfortunately this is no longer the case, and the Facebook “intellectual” in question was misinforming people that while this quote was misattributed to Voltaire, in fact it actually originated from a white nationalist named Kevin Strom. To be clear, this is a complete lie. What happened is that a few far-left social media influencers saw how effective the quote was at calling out their authoritarian censorship, so they decided to start a smear campaign and claim that the quote originated from a neo-nazi. Because most modern journalists are underpaid hacks who do zero fact-checking and simply retweet and repost what the other journalists are saying, this smear campaign quickly took hold and spread across social media. I have a lot of experience in these disinformation campaigns since I was one of the first to implement them back in college, so this kind of manipulative psyop was immediately recognizable to me. But many people nowadays are too gullible to disbelieve what they read on the internet. Apparently we are supposed to trust what the experts tell us rather than our own lying eyes. Even if the quote was actually from a white nationalist, who cares? It’s very relevant and extremely good advice. Are we supposed to ignore wisdom just because it comes from a bad person? Hitler was a vegetarian: does that mean all vegetarians are Nazis? It’s just the same tired old game our oligarchs always play: “discredit the message by running a smear campaign against the messenger.” It was all so tiresome, so I decided to log off Facebook and watch some TV to unwind.
One of my favorite TV shows is the comedy series Community. As a Dungeons and Dragons player, I was first drawn into the series by the Season 2 episode named “Advanced Dungeons and Dragons” which made fun of the hobby in a hilarious way. The episode was so funny that I continued watching the show and eventually became a huge fan. Since I was still in a nostalgic spirit, I felt like it would be fun to rewatch the episode that originally got me started on this track. Unfortunately it had been removed. Apparently the Asian character in the episode had painted his face to look like the dark elf character he was playing, and this was close enough to blackface that the episode had to be taken down. Like so many other things, the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons episode that I had wanted to see had disappeared into the memory hole.
I turned off the TV and started to reflect. How could society have become so authoritarian and full of corporate censorship in less than a decade? Why is all this kind of stuff happening? Who is pushing this shift in the societal narrative? Conspiracy-minded right-wingers have a term for this: they call it “Globohomo.” But I think that term obscures the truth. The idea that every single globalist billionaire in our late-stage oligarchy is deliberately colluding with each other is unrealistic, and in fact I suspect that some of the wilder conspiracy theories of this sort are pushed by the globalists themselves in order to discredit people who get too close to the truth. Reality tends to be much more prosaic.
Understand that while there is no formal conspiracy, many of the people who govern our society have access to the same information. That means that they will react in similar ways, especially in response to a threat. NPCs tend to behave in predictable ways, just like algorithms, so it is not at all surprising to see a bunch of rich oligarchs flocking in the same direction like a school of fish. After all, they are all in similar positions of wealth and privilege, and they tend to have similar mindsets, so it is completely understandable that they would react the same way to an existential threat, in much the same way as you and I would both dive for cover if somebody were shooting at us. Such identical behavior wouldn’t signify that we were part of some “shared conspiracy” to take cover and keep our heads down: it would simply be a natural response to the shared threat we were facing. Similarly, when globalist elites are under threat, they tend to react in identical ways also, without this behavior necessarily being part of a coordinated conspiracy.
What is the shared threat that the globalists fear? Overpopulation and environmental collapse. Specifically, as the world’s population grows, we are gradually facing a crisis of resource scarcity. This is why the Davos elite are constantly targeting us with propaganda trying to convince us that we should be content with less resources. Don’t worry about the fact that you can’t afford to buy a home: sleep pods and studio apartments are the new trend! Is it depressing that you can no longer afford to eat meat all the time? Don’t worry, just switch to bug-burgers! You will own nothing and be happy! The reason that our elites are trying to normalize conditions of resource scarcity is because they are worried that if society collapses within a generation or so, we will kill their kids and take their stuff. This is not an unreasonable fear: in fact, they’re absolutely correct to be worried about this. Our leaders have a moral obligation to fix society, because with great power comes great responsibility. Instead, they are pillaging the public commons, hoarding resources for their own spoiled brats. The best way to convince our elites to stop being selfish and take an active stand in fixing society is to make it clear that if society collapses as a result of their leadership failures, the punishment they face is that the rest of us will get together and kill their kids. After all, why shouldn’t we? Law and order will be completely gone by that point, and the children of the ultra-wealthy will have most of the remaining resources. Taking those resources away from them will be the most efficient way for the rest of us to survive, and it’d be a great way to get revenge on our former leaders for failing us.
Obviously, our leaders don’t want their kids to die at the hands of an angry mob, so they’re trying to find alternative solutions to the resource scarcity crisis that lies ahead. What is their solution? Depopulation. They want to effectively sterilize kids with “gender-affirming” treatment, make it cost-prohibitive for Western citizens to have families, and import immigrants to replace them, thus taking population pressure off the third world. Our elites genuinely think that encouraging more and more people to become transgender is a realistic solution to the overpopulation problem, while at the same time allowing them to make a ton of money in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Given that environmental collapse is a genuine problem, you may wonder whether there is any problem with the solution that our globalist elites are implementing? After all, somebody needs to fix this situation. The problem is that they are giving the rest of us the wrong incentives. If they want to see the population growth rate slow down to a more reasonable level, they need to incentivize it by rewarding the people who have smaller families, while punishing the people who have larger families. Instead, they are doing exactly the opposite. Using political pressure, our elites are trying to eliminate the people who least deserve to die (their own citizens in the West, who reproduce at a reasonable rate) to make room for the people who most deserve to die (the third world citizens who breed like rabbits). Why is it our responsibility to solve the self-created problems of the third world, when doing so just enables their bad behavior? If we want to live in a utopia, we need to switch to a growth model that is based on K-selection (a smaller population of highly educated citizens) and away from a growth model that is based on R-selection (a large population of poorly educated citizens). Scandinavian countries like Finland or Denmark are one of the best examples of the triumph of K-selection, or at least they were until they threw open their borders to mass immigration. They are all highly educated societies with a strong social safety net where the biggest obstacle to happiness is Seasonal Affective Disorder. Meanwhile, countries like South Africa are an example of what happens when a society uses R-selection. During the apartheid era, South Africa was one of the most modern countries in Africa, with a highly developed infrastructure, education system, and even a modern military airforce. Today, they can barely keep the power on. Obviously I don’t support apartheid or any other type of racism, but it seems pretty clear from all objective data that their current society is pretty dysfunctional. It seems fairly obvious to me like South Africa’s colonialist legacy is simply the excuse that their leaders use to cover up their own incompetence. They killed or drove off most of their most-educated citizens, and now they are reaping the consequences of that. Do we really want to repeat South Africa’s failure mode by importing low-skilled immigrants from the third world to replace the high-skilled citizens that we already have here? Who benefits from this strategy? It certainly isn’t middle or lower-class Americans. The only people who benefit are very wealthy capitalists who profit from importing unskilled immigrants because it lowers the price of labor.
To be clear, I’m not saying that I’m totally opposed to sterilization as a solution to the overpopulation crisis and the environmental crisis that it is leading to. I just want to know why our moronic elites are focusing their efforts on sterilizing the people who statistically tend to have the lowest number of children (educated Western citizens) while encouraging the people who statistically tend to have the highest number of children (uneducated third-world immigrants). I also disapprove of the dishonest and manipulative ways they are using to push this sterilization, targeting innocent children who are highly susceptible to peer pressure and trying to convince them that they are “gender confused” and need life-changing surgery in order to be fulfilled. In fact, how do we know that our globalist elites aren’t deliberately using other methods to cause sterility, such as having it be an “unintentional side effect” of the Covid vaccine? After all, the emergency authorization use of the Covid vaccine is still active years after the Covid crisis already ended, so the pharmaceutical companies have zero liability for any side effects. Do you trust wealthy pharmaceutical megacorporations and dishonest politicians to have your best interests in mind? We already know that they are willing to lie to children in order to sterilize them, so why would they have any moral qualms doing the same thing to adults? Maybe we’ll find out later that the vaccines cause massive birth defects. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.
The point I am trying to make is that while the phrase “Globohomo” is often associated with right-wing conspiracy theorists, the concerns behind this movement are actually quite reasonable. The reason for all the rightwing hysteria about “Globohomo” is essentially because our globalist elites are trying to save the planet by literally killing them off. And not only that, but the globalist “solution” isn’t even effective: it’s only going to collapse society faster. To top it off, the oligarchs won’t listen to any criticism of their monstrous “solution” because their egos are too fragile to tolerate anybody who calls them out as the incompetent narcissists that they are. If you disagree with their evil agenda in any way, you get smeared as a racist.
Ultimately, the “globohomo” oligarchs need to be forced to listen to their intellectual betters, and stop trying to suppress the voices of anybody who has a better plan than them to deal with climate change and resource scarcity. Until our elites learn to accept our justified criticism and stop trying to silence populist disagreement through censorship and smear campaigns, the rest of us are fully justified in considering ourselves at war with these people.
From what I can see, the subpopulation of (especially) Aspergirls succumbing to gender ideology actually has virtually nothing to do with her own age itself – it has everything to do with her mother: Those with well-adjusted mothers (and/or fathers) – or even those who broke away from a toxic mother while they could – tend to remain the happiest, healthiest and most‑confident girls of all. On the other hand, those with insecure and overbearing mothers (especially if their fathers are lost or divorced) are dragged down, and their depression (the correct and reasonable response to this abuse) gets systematically misblamed on an internal issue – and after eliminating all other known factors (because there's nothing at all wrong with the girl herself) and the system ageistly accepting the mother's gaslighting (and DARVO) as more “mature” than the girl's valid testimony against her mother (even though these kinds of mothers couldn't be LESS mature emotionally), the FtM path is hence rubber‑stamped.
Boomer mothers are, of course, the most-likely to doom their daughters thusly…
Not only are “detransition rates” the exact-same red herring as hardware “failure rates”, but the scariest thing for me is that the ultimate rebuttal to this decrepit mentality was right in my Mum's own office between 1997 and 2007 or so – a substandard Goldair Turbo-Convector heater (well compliant with the inadequate official standard at the time, but not safe in reality), with top grilles made from ordinary nylon (not a proper high-temperature plastic as reputable manufacturers, namely Kambrook and IXL here in Australia, may have used) and utterly inadequate for the temperature reached (around 130°C for most portable convectors on full power; wire-element fan heaters are generally able to stay below 100°C, but PTC models are mostly just as hot as the fanless types).
0% chance (near enough) of failure within the 2-year warranty; 100% guaranteed to lethally fall apart after a mere decade of average use (after which the now-exposed elements can easily ignite dropped papers, or electrocute a child), whereas 40+ years is no big deal for a properly-made convector (as observed in the very-collectible Belling Champions, built back when British Engineering was an honour – most of them still work fine on their original heating elements). After a few lives were undoubtedly lost, everyone gave up on the “cool touch” plastic idea and went back to idiot‑proof metal grilles.
Speaking of heaters, it's hilarious how many 'Muricans are so scared of portable fan heaters but perfectly happy to use giant central versions ("electric furnaces"), even though that completely and utterly misses the points of central heating; here in Australia where we have 240V rather than 120V at normal outlets, we can draw up to 2400W with a sensible 10A.
I can attest that I only needed two of them to get the old house (only modestly-insulated) plenty warm – pretty awesome from something small enough to carry in one hand, right?
Besides, Kambrook understands perfectly well how to make them safely (as does DēLonghi), as they've never had to recall a heater they've made (and very little else, either); unlike Goldair…
For small rooms I've tried a 500W model – sold as "personal" (not the proper use for fan heaters, but they obviously don't want people expecting it to handle a large space) and although rather cheaply-made and far from ideally-designed (and two power settings rather than just on/off would be nice), they still work well enough.